E.T. – Call Home…That Means You!

College Stress Reliever –  Call home, but not too often!  Those of you going away to college this Fall, also make it a point to “call home” regularly andCall Home give family and friends an update on your new adventure.

First of all, you have so many communication options to use these days. Maintaining regular contact with those you love, trust, and care about should not be problematic.

It could be family, extended family, or just close friends.

After all, this is a major life change for them as well as you.  And you have to manage their adjustment to your new status as an independent adult.

So if you are feeling anxiety, lonely, need to hear a familiar voice, or receive a word of encouragement, make that contact!

Take the First Step…

If you have helicopter parents or guardians, then before you leave home, set up a regular communication cycle.

For example, have a Skype session every Sunday afternoon @ 2:30 pm, to keep them posted on your adjustment to college life. 

Call Home Family FirstEmail them a summary version of your class and work schedule.  Always encourage them to text or leave voice mail messages if they cannot reach you directly.  

And when they do, please respond back to them in a timely fashion.

Not to do so may cause you additional, unnecessary stress which you really don’t need at this time in your academic life.

You can also visit your campus’ counseling center if you just need to talk or just debrief.  Having a chitchat with a trained counselor about the challenges of the moment can alleviate your anxiety levels.

And furthermore,  check in regularly with your on-campus academic and career advisers. They can be a terrific resource particularly when unexpected, academic hurdles start staring you in the face!

Call Home

Now don ‘t forget to call home, periodically, throughout this semester and next!


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