5 Key Tools To Manage College Academic Success

Managing Your Own Academic Success
First and foremost, new and continuing undergraduate students need to know these five key tools in order to better manage their college academic success.
Furthermore, most colleges and universities have developed these student-centered academic policies to facilitate student success on campus.
If, you’re new to higher education, then you probably remember hearing something about them during New Student Orientation.
And, while experiencing information overload, you, perhaps, missed mention of them altogether.
More importantly, did you get a chance to explore academic options with your academic adviser and how you might used them?
As a matter of fact, did it even occur to you to ask?
In all the excitement, probably not.
First Things First…
Every college student has either hard copy and/or online access to the college student handbook.
And, most college students often ignore its existence.
For the most part, college student handbooks are not what one would normally classify as “user-friendly”.
However, this little “treasure” does have five key academic tools you can use if you run into any academic challenges.
So what exactly are these five key tools every college student should know and use by the time they graduate?
Look no further!
Using Five Key Tools to Manage Academic Success
All things considered, college students are very busy people. And learning how to manage within a higher education system is extremely complex and often time-consuming.
By and large, for first-generation as well as legacy undergraduates, reading and understanding the student handbook itself can be a daunting experience.
And for those who try, that’s exactly what it is. All in all, if you’re not familiar with academic language, then the student handbook might as well be written in a foreign language. In any event, you can’t use what you don’t know!
College alumni have many a horror story to tell about what they didn’t know as it relates to these five key tools!
The Benefit of Academic Advising
First thing to remember is that academic advisers are temples of academic knowledge, particularly policies, procedures, and practices. They know a variety of options for students to succeed.
And what they don’t know, they know how to track down the needed information.
Moreover, what’s very helpful for most students is to have a good, collaborative working relationship with your adviser. And if you and your adviser don’t see eye to eye, if there is no collaborative chemistry, then consider making an “informed” change.
You have every right to do so!
Always investigate your options. Also, just don’t rely solely on your peers. Consult other higher ed professionals as well.
Above all, select an academic adviser whose information you can trust…a choice critically important to your future success.
“Begin with the End in Mind.” Stephen Covey