How to wake up in the morning
Waking up in the morning can be a very hard thing to do. Below are a few tips to help you start the day off right.
Turning off all electronics Before Bedtime: One of the keys to waking up on time is getting enough sleep the night before. Experts warns that spending time in front of “screens” (TV, laptop, Phone, E-Reader.) right up until bedtime doesn’t lead to restful sleep. You should turn everything off at least a half an hour before you start counting sheep.
Eat a healthy breakfast: They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Be your best self, and eat a good. Whole grain crabs plus protein give you a quick hit of energy and keep you going all morning.
It’s time to give up that nightcap: According to the National Sleep Foundation, drinking alcohol can have adverse effects on the quality of your sleep if ingested close to the time you go to bed.
Take a shower or bath BEFORE you go to sleep: The goal is to relax your body before you go do sleep. Even if it’s just a short warm bath, your muscles will relax.
Let there be light…turn the lights on as soon as you’re up: Lights signals to your brain that it’s time to WAKE UP. If you get up before dark but want a more natural light, get one of these clocks that slowly brighten as it approaches alarm time.
Have some H2O before you drink your morning cup coffee: Sometimes what seems like tiredness is actually dehydration. Have a full glass of water in the morning to get yourself on the right track.
You did it you woke up early reward yourself for getting up: Whether it’s a nice leisurely breakfast at home or a fancy coffee, treat yourself and make it worthwhile to get up at the crack of dawn.
Rise and shine with a little nature: When you’re indoors you want to sleep, so let’s change that trend and go outside! Drink that cup of coffee outside and watch nature. Laugh at all the cars going by and be grateful you don’t have to leave that early.