Reaping the Benefits from New Student Orientation
Reaping the Benefits of New Student Orientation
Attending your college’s New Student Orientation (NSO) provides you with a whole host of benefits, choices, options, and opportunities to plan your college success strategy.
The goal of New Student Orientation is to make sure you have the information you need to adjust to your new environment as smoothly as possible.
New Student Orientation Benefits
During the course of New Student Orientation, you’ll receive a huge amount of new information. Listen carefully, be pro-active, and ask plenty of questions.
New Student Orientation (NSO) sessions can last anywhere from 1 to 5 days, depending on your particular college campus.
Here are some benefits you’ll receive from attending New Student Orientation (NSO):
- Hear all about your campus community, its resources, student activities and student academic support
- Get your campus student I.D.
- Discuss academic and career goals, explore major and minor goals
- Meet and discuss course selection with your academic advisor
- Learn about your graduation requirements as well as those in your specific major
- Learn how to manage your academic progress tool – the Degree Audit
- Register for your classes
- Meet new students, current student leaders and administrators, departmental faculty and staff
- Get answers to all of your questions from offices such as financial aid, dean of students, off-campus housing, student life, and more
- Need to have your English and Math placement assessments completed before attending New Student Orientation (NSO) – policy may differ from campus to campus.
Once you submit your enrollment deposit, then you’ll be able to access information about your campus’ new student orientation program and schedule.
Next Steps
So listen up new freshman, transfer, international student, or adult learner. Make sure you attend an early NSO session so you can take advantage of course offerings and time availability.
Most campuses offer New Student Orientation (NSO) sessions at strategic times throughout the summer.
Check your institution’s orientation schedule for details and updates before you finalize any summer vacation and/or work schedule plans.
And remember, your academic adviser is your information guru if you run into any academic and/or personal challenges during the semester. So keep in touch regularly with your academic adviser!
Good Luck!
Success Tip: A great College and Career Resource Guide. Head over to and get your copy today!