Rules to Live By…
Rules to Live By…
1) Understand the importance of recognizing and respecting difference, i. e. styles, perspectives, insights, and mindsets.
2) School behavior and workplace performance…impacts future success, so act accordingly.
3) Be aware that “rules” do govern social behaviors, whether in the classroom or in the workplace.
4) Your success depends on understanding the “game of life” (school and work) and how to play it well.
5) Before you decide to change the “rules“, make sure you understand the consequences.
6) Whenever you enter a new, real world environment, always neutralize your expectations.
7) Beware – the art of politics not only happens in government, but in your academic, personal, and work life as well.
8) Be selective in building as well as interacting with your personal, academic, and professional networks.
9) In assessing and accomplishing any of the above, become an “informed” decision maker!
10) Remember, it only takes 60 seconds to make a long lasting, first impression.
11) In the world of work, “Always dress for the job you want, not for the job you have.”
12) Lastly, incorporate a “diversity” mindset within your personal and professional operating system.
“The main problem with communication is the assumption that it has occurred.”
George Bernard Shaw