REACH HIGHER NEW ENGLAND CONVENING 2016 Reach Higher New England Convening 2016 FLOTUS’ Reach Higher initiative recently sent out a call to action to K-12 and higher education professionals, business leaders, non-profit organizations, and community activists in the...
Reaping the Benefits from New Student Orientation Reaping the Benefits of New Student Orientation Attending your college’s New Student Orientation (NSO) provides you with a whole host of benefits, choices, options, and opportunities to plan your college success...
College Success Strategy – Are You Planning Yours? College Students …Do you have college success strategy? Are you a whiz at finding information on your cell phone, desktop, iPad, or tablet? You do know that it doesn’t always mean that you’ll...
Rules to Live By… Rules to Live By… 1) Understand the importance of recognizing and respecting difference, i. e. styles, perspectives, insights, and mindsets. 2) School behavior and workplace performance…impacts future success, so act accordingly. 3)...
Is Emotional Intelligence on Your Professional Agenda? Is Emotional Intelligence on Your Professional Agenda? Graduating this year? Looking forward to beginning that new career? Have you given any thought about how you’re going to manage within your new...
Multiple FICO Scores – Who Knew??? Multiple FICO Scores – Who Knew??? Hey Millennials, did you know that you can have more than one FICO credit score? Neither did I until my son recently applied to refinance his school loan, with me as his co-signer. The...
Mélange Information Services, Inc provides educational services (classes, workshops, and seminars) in the following areas of expertise: information literacy, health literacy, knowledge management and workforce development.