College Students: Do You Have a Bad Credit Score or Do You Even Know Yours? A U.S. News & World Report 2017 Consumer Bad Credit Guide: You’re in college now. You’re supposed to be an adult…and everyone is expecting you to act accordingly. “Open” access to the...
Adult Learners: Ready to Begin College 101? Adult Learners: Are You College 101 Ready? Soon you’ll begin a new chapter in your life. Are you really ready for College 101? As ready as anyone about to embark on a new journey, right? You are excited, but...
College Graduation – Insider Trading in Higher Education? Using the term “insider trading’ is a bit of a stretch to describe accessing advantages and opportunities in the world of higher education. Yet, on certain levels, it does ring true. While...
AMERICA, IS YOUR INFORMATION CRAP DETECTOR ON PAUSE? America, Is Your Information Crap Detector on Pause? You know that fake news is all the rage today. Evidently, so is the term “alternative facts”. Both will be around for some time to come. Yet, fake...
Learning Styles – Do You Know Yours? Learning Styles – Do You Know Yours? Your Learning Style – Knowing how you learn best is your very first step in mapping out a college and career success strategy. In general, most people are...
Mélange Information Services, Inc provides educational services (classes, workshops, and seminars) in the following areas of expertise: information literacy, health literacy, knowledge management and workforce development.