Should I Pursue a Study Abroad Opportunity?

Jan 24, 2016 | College 101, College and Career Readiness, Culture | 0 comments

Should I Pursue a Study Abroad Opportunity?

Mention the words “study abroad” and most college students’ eyes glaze over with visions of foreign lands, exciting adventures, and meeting exotic people.


A study abroad experience can be an opportunity of a lifetime, particularly if it directly relates to your career plans.

When you think of studying abroad, here are a few important questudyabroadstions you need to answer first:






What countries do I want to visit?How much academic credit earned will be transferrable to my current academic program?
What study abroad programs are offered by my campus? 

What are the actual costs?


How long is the program, 2wks, 6 wks, a semester, or a year? 

Can I use my campus financial aid to help pay for the costs?



What safety considerations do I need to take into account?


Can I get a part time job while studying abroad?

Most campuses have study abroad coordinators who can assist you in mapping out answers to the above list of questions.  Be mindful of your choices and options.  Carefully investigate your options within the countries you wish to visit.

The benefits of studying abroad are enormous, both personally and professional.  For example, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Broaden your world view.
  • Seek out an opportunity in the leading global hub in your field of interest.
  • Enhance your competitive edge in future job market.
  • Strengthen your foreign language skills.
  • Travel to other area countries
  • Create your own international network

Remember, studying abroad can be a fantastic, enjoyable, and meaningful learning experience for college students who thoroughly do their homework.


So, if a study abroad option pops up on your radar and fits into your life plan, then by all means vigorously pursue it.  If, for some reason, an international opportunity is currently out of the question for you, then consider a domestic student exchange program in the United States, or Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  Check out the National Student Exchange program for further details for domestic student exchange opportunities.

Whether you participate in an international or domestic program, the benefits you gain will be immeasurable in terms of your personal and professional development!