![E.T. – Call Home…That Means You!](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ET-1080x675.jpg)
E.T. – Call Home…That Means You!
New College Students need to call home regularly.
![An Internship Experience](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/inspector-2049439_1280-1080x675.jpg)
An Internship Experience
Internships are incredibly invaluable in helping you gain professional work experience and ultimately get hired in a career of your choice. While working as an intern, you may encounter a variety of work experiences, so you should have a flexible mindset and attitude.
![You’re in College Now…So What’s Next?](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/CSLAd3-1080x628.jpg)
You’re in College Now…So What’s Next?
You're in college now...so what's next? You've been in school for a while. Adjusting to your new environment has had its challenges, but so far, so good. You do have a few concerns. For one, you're discovering that everybody was right. College is no way like high...
![Financial Aid Myths – 7 You Need to Know](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/dollar-1362243_1280-1-1080x675.jpg)
Financial Aid Myths – 7 You Need to Know
Believing financial aid myths instead of finding out the facts is a major set-up for missing out on educational opportunities! Anyone can "apply", using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . HOWEVER, only U.S. citizens or eligible...
![First Generation College Students’ Success Strategies](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/NewStudent.png)
First Generation College Students’ Success Strategies
First Generation College Students - Want to graduate in 4 years? Doing so maybe one of the biggest life challenges you'll face in the semesters ahead. To graduate in 4 yrs requires knowing the rules of the "graduation game." It also requires seeking the best...
![College Students: Do You Have a Bad Credit Score or Do You Even Know Yours?](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/credit-card-1520400_1280-1080x675.jpg)
College Students: Do You Have a Bad Credit Score or Do You Even Know Yours?
A U.S. News & World Report 2017 Consumer Bad Credit Guide: You’re in college now. You’re supposed to be an adult…and everyone is expecting you to act accordingly. “Open” access to the Bank of Mom and Dad does have its limitations. Perhaps you are your own ATM...
![Adult Learners: Ready to Begin College 101?](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/backtoschool3.jpg)
Adult Learners: Ready to Begin College 101?
Adult Learners: Are You College 101 Ready? Soon you'll begin a new chapter in your life. Are you really ready for College 101? As ready as anyone about to embark on a new journey, right? You are excited, but also a bit nervous. It's been a while since you've...
![College Graduation – Insider Trading in Higher Education?](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/stock-exchange-738671_1280-1080x675.jpg)
College Graduation – Insider Trading in Higher Education?
Using the term "insider trading' is a bit of a stretch to describe accessing advantages and opportunities in the world of higher education. Yet, on certain levels, it does ring true. While those in the know benefit, the general public struggles to understand the...
![AMERICA, IS YOUR INFORMATION CRAP DETECTOR ON PAUSE?](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Truth-1062x675.jpg)
America, Is Your Information Crap Detector on Pause? You know that fake news is all the rage today. Evidently, so is the term "alternative facts". Both will be around for some time to come. Yet, fake news is not a new phenomenon. Nor is alternative facts. ...
![Learning Styles – Do You Know Yours?](https://melangeinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/books-924780__480.jpg)
Learning Styles – Do You Know Yours?
Learning Styles - Do You Know Yours? Your Learning Style - Knowing how you learn best is your very first step in mapping out a college and career success strategy. In general, most people are unaware that their learning style can impact the quality of...