Race – A Movie Review
It’s Black History month so I decided to go see the movie, RACE – the Jesse Owens story. I am of mixed emotions, as usual, when vicariously traveling back in history to witness the outrageous treatment and disrespect of a true “American” sports hero.

Employee Bubble in the Making?
If our economy was based solely on a meritocracy (the best of the most qualified persons gets the job), then this kind of Darwinian economic system would work.
But, is this how our system really works today? Does the most qualified, skilled person always get the job? I argue no. Think about it…how many times have you been at your work place and thought to yourself “my boss does not know how to do my job, or have said to yourself, “how did that person become a manager, or who gave that person responsibility?”

Quick Recipes Using the Microwave
We live in a world where often don’t not have enough time or energy to make great meals. What are we to do? Well, one thing we can do is thank Percy Spencer.

Texas Student Loan Jailhouse Blues
A recent national network news story about the jailing of a man in Texas for non-payment of his old student loans is, ironically, sending out the wrong message.

Those Chains, They Keep on Rattling…
Salmon with a Couple of Sides
After taking an extensive poll (me, myself and I), I have discovered salmon is everyone’s favorite fish. So today, we are going to learn how to make the perfect salmon (or as perfect as your skills will allow you to make it). Also, we are going to make some side dishes that will compliment your salmon masterpiece.

Why do I need to review my credit report?
A credit report is basically a report card on your consumer financial spending habits. You can request one copy of your credit report every year from each of the nationwide credit reporting companies

Cooking Life Hacks 5 videos Dozens of Tricks
There is one thing we all want to be, culinary geniuses. Alright maybe that is not everyone’s goal but there is nothing wrong with a few insider tricks on how to make your cooking skills a little better.
Smart Credit Tips for High School and College Graduates
Whether you’re a high school or college graduate, there is no time like now to start thinking about managing your financial future…check out the 6 credit tips listed below:
Credit Gone Haywire – Need Credit 101?
Ever gone to a retail store, made a fabulous purchase, went to the checkout counter, whipped out your credit card, only to be told that your card was rejected. Yikes!!