Budget Talk Makes You Weary? Budgets, ugh! Does budget talk often give you a headache? Causes you untold anxiety? Constantly monitoring the few pennies you may have can be, at times, downright depressing. However, like everything else in this life, avoidance leads to...
Financial Aid Recipients…Time for a Check-Up! Financial Aid Check List Financial Aid Recipients, Listen Up! Now that classes have begun, you need to take some time, before the end of the semester, to revisit your financial aid award package commitment. In...
New A.P.A. College Research Writing Resources College Success Tip – The American Psychological Association (APA) produces one of the key college research writing style manuals every undergraduate and graduate student needs to understand and know how to use...
Reaping the Benefits from New Student Orientation Reaping the Benefits of New Student Orientation Attending your college’s New Student Orientation (NSO) provides you with a whole host of benefits, choices, options, and opportunities to plan your college success...
College Success Strategy – Are You Planning Yours? College Students …Do you have college success strategy? Are you a whiz at finding information on your cell phone, desktop, iPad, or tablet? You do know that it doesn’t always mean that you’ll...
New Student Orientation – A Perilous Journey? New Student Orientation introduces you to your new campus’ ways of life, so to speak, both academically and socially. At the end of a new student orientation experience, most students are, simply...
Mélange Information Services, Inc provides educational services (classes, workshops, and seminars) in the following areas of expertise: information literacy, health literacy, knowledge management and workforce development.